The lights in the great factories, which looked, when they were illuminated, like Fairy palaces—or the travellers by express-train said so—were all extinguished; and the bells had rung for knocking off for the night, and had ceased again; and the Hands, men and women, boy and girl, were clattering home. ~ Hard Times
Miscellaneous Quotes
There were many many blessings
There were many many blessings that he had inadequately felt, there were many trivial injuries that he had not forgiven, there was love that he had but poorly returned, there was friendship that he had too lightly prized: there were a million kind words that he might have spoken, a million kind looks that he might have given, uncountable slight easy deeds in which he might have been most truly great and good. O for a day (he would exclaim), for but one day to make amends! ~ The Long Voyage
The more he thought, the
The more he thought, the more perplexed he was; and the more he endeavoured not to think, the more he thought. ~ A Christmas Carol
The Barnacles were a very
The Barnacles were a very high family, and a very large family. They were dispersed all over the public offices, and held all sorts of public places. Either the nation was under a load of obligation to the Barnacles, or the Barnacles were under a load of obligation to the nation. It was not quite unanimously settled which; the Barnacles having their opinion, the nation theirs. ~ Little Dorrit
It is not possible to
It is not possible to know how far the influence of any amiable honest-hearted duty-doing man flies out into the world; but it is very possible to know how it has touched one’s self in going by, and I know right well that any good that intermixed itself with my apprenticeship came of plain contented Joe, and not of restlessly aspiring discontented me. ~ Great Expectations
A prison taint was on
A prison taint was on everything there. The imprisoned air, the imprisoned light, the imprisoned damps, the imprisoned men, were all deteriorated by confinement. As the captive men were faded and haggard, so the iron was rusty, the stone was slimy, the wood was rotten, the air was faint, the light was dim. Like a well, like a vault, like a tomb, the prison had no knowledge of the brightness outside, and would have kept its polluted atmosphere intact in one of the spice islands of the Indian ocean. ~ Little Dorrit
But charity begins at home,
But charity begins at home, and justice begins next door. ~ Martin Chuzzlewit
The leprosy of unreality disfigured
The leprosy of unreality disfigured every human creature in attendance. ~ A Tale of Two Cities
I know enough of the
I know enough of the world now, to have almost lost the capacity of being much surprised by anything. ~ David Copperfield
There is a passion FOR
There is a passion FOR hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast. ~ Oliver Twist