The man who now confronted Gashford, was a squat, thickset personage, with a low, retreating forehead, a coarse shock head of hair, and eyes so small and near together, that his broken nose alone seemed to prevent their meeting and fusing into one of the usual size. ~ Barnaby Rudge
Humorous Quotes
A Man Can Well Afford
"A man can well afford to be as bold as brass, my good fellow, when he gets gold in exchange!" ~ Martin Chuzzlewit
Mine ain’t a selfish affection
“Mine ain’t a selfish affection, you know,” said Mr. Toots, in the confidence engendered by his having been a witness of the Captain’s tenderness. “It’s the sort of thing with me, Captain Gills, that if I could be run over – or – or trampled upon – or – or thrown off a very high place -or anything of that sort – for Miss Dombey’s sake, it would be the most delightful thing that could happen to me.” ~ Dombey and Son
I was always treated as
I was always treated as if I had insisted on being born, in opposition to the dictates of reason, religion, and morality, and against the dissuadinig arguments of my best friends ~ Great Expectations
Miss Knag still aimed at
Miss Knag still aimed at youth, although she had shot beyond it, years ago. ~ Nicholas Nickleby
“There are books of which
“There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts.” ~ Oliver Twist
It being a part of
It being a part of Mrs. Pipchin’s system not to encourage a child’s mind to develop and expand itself like a young flower, but to open it by force like an oyster. ~ Dombey and Son
Poetry’s unnat’ral no man ever
“Poetry’s unnat’ral; no man ever talked poetry ‘cept a beadle on boxin’ day, or Warren’s blackin’ or Rowland’s oil, or some o’ them low fellows; never you let yourself down to talk poetry, my boy.” ~ The Pickwick Papers
“Well,” said my aunt, “this
“Well,” said my aunt, “this is his boy – his son. He would be as like his father as it’s possible to be, if he was not so like his mother, too.” ~ David Copperfield
All the knives and forks
All the knives and forks were working away at a rate that was quite alarming; very few words were spoken; and everybody seemed to eat his utmost in self-defence, as if a famine were expected to set in before breakfast time to-morrow morning, and it had become high time to assert the first law of nature. ~ Martin Chuzzlewit